Member StoriesAde Lawal
Ade Lawal
Professional Diploma
Member since: May 2016
My time with the Digital Marketing Institute has been enlightening - I feel more confident and more grounded in the sector now; I've expanded my understanding of things I knew (social media and SEO) to things I didn't (mobile advertising, display, Adwords and Google Analytics)..
Tell us a bit about your experience before the Digital Marketing Institute
I've always been interested in the digital scene, my background has always been in writing and copywriting so with the emergence of social media, producing content always came easy to me.
Why did you choose to study the Professional Diploma with the Digital Marketing Institute?
I wasn't always sure but I knew I enjoyed communications, digital marketing and just all things technology and innovations. I chose to study at the Digital Marketing Institute because I was in a bit of a rut and I'd been looking for a more grounded way of developing my understanding in the sector - I almost chose the Google Squared Online course but somehow I came across the Digital Marketing Institute and having had a look at the courses, the modules, I knew this was something I had to get into.
Since completing the course in the Digital Marketing Institute, how has your Career progressed?
My career has progressed massively, initially I wanted my current company to sponsor my studies but having spoken with a Digital Marketing Institute agent, he advised to take the plunge myself and I did (plus they never got back to me about sponsoring and I knew time was of the essence). My current company (soon to change next Friday is ukactive - the number one not-for-profit charity organisation working in the spectrum of all things exercise, physical activity and promoting the need for the UK to halt the steed of inactivity and sedentary lifestyles).
My new role is with Ingeus - parent company to the NCS (National Citizen Service) and I'll be in charge of their communications - digital, traditional and everything in between.
Is there any advice you would give to new students at the Digital Marketing Institute?
To any current or future student looking to get into all things digital and marketing, my advice would just be to take the plunge, like I did and to definitely choose the Digital Marketing Institute. The course is structured with everything you'll need and the weekly or so webinar keep you up to date with industry trend. Plus you'll have your classmates and the e-learning manager to broker with.
How would you describe your time in the Digital Marketing Institute?
My time with the Digital Marketing Institute has been enlightening - I feel more confident and more grounded in the sector now; I've expanded my understanding of things I knew (social media and SEO) to things I didn't (mobile advertising, display, Adwords and Google Analytics).
Definitely a sign of approval from me.