Dec 17, 2021
DMI presents 'The Member Showcase'
Share Your Voice. Tell Your Story. Make an Impact.
The Digital Marketing Institute speaks to DMI Member Sarah Engeset
Sarah successfully completed the DMI Pro dual certificate from DMI and the AMA this year and is a Power Member in our community.
Based in Virginia in the US, she is currently working as a Senior Digital Strategist at Ironistic; a Website development company which services companies of all sizes including associations, nonprofits, government agencies and Fortune 500 companies.
Sarah has had a diverse career before making a career change into the field of digital marketing.
We sat down to chat about her take on her background, how digital marketing will fare in 2022, advice for digital strategists and much more.
This Member Showcase Series is where DMI Members get to #ShowcaseYou and connect with your membership community, your peers, clients, and/or prospective employers.
Showcase your knowledge, skills, acumen, and personality in a meaningful and authentic way.
Stand Out. Stay Ahead. Be Ahead of the Game.
If you are a POWER member and would like to feature in DMI's Member Showcase, email us: